Thursday, May 24, 2012

I could use an entertainer

Like my outfit? This is my version of "Linds is bored".

I haven't seen much of this person this week.
The Mini Cooper broke down on Monday. Anthony has been devastated. The way he spoke on the phone seemed like a close relative had gone through a rough patch. "Shes not doing good. She's.....she's dead." The clutch is completely shot. Tuesday we did the whole, "Lets be cute and drive together." It was cute for me but not so cute since Anthony had to get to work an hour earlier. We decided to "steal" his sisters vehicle while they celebrated their Anniversary in Vegas. "Steal", meaning call and whine. The keys were fed ex'd over night. I drove him to her house. We "broke" into the garage and Anth took his new wheels.

Did I mention that Anthony has been really stressed? Not only does he not have his Baby (Mini), but he started a 2 week class this week. Perfect timing right? This class goes from 5:30-9:30 where he learns a new geeky architecture software for work. He has class Mon, Wed, and Fri. Tuesday we had scouts. Tonight, he is out with a trailer loading the Mini up to take to his Dads so he can fix her. Did I mention it costs $1200-$1500 for someone to fix a clutch? Luckily for me, Anth is Mr. Fix it.....
So instead of that chunk of change we will only be out about $400. Atta boy! Back to my night.

I am bored. So instead of eating my heart out. I watched lots of crap shows. Go ahead and judge me....Khloe & Lamar might have made an appearance again tonight. Drool also made an appearance. This is not a new show title. I literally had a dribble come out of my mouth as I watch "Man Vs Food". Then I played on pinterest and decided to make my own outfit. Can I tell you how long I sat here looking for that outfit? 2 hours....That is ridiculous! I wonder if people just sit at home all day making these helpful boards.

It sounds like I am just couching out here so I would like to also take this moment to explain my peachy day.

Went to work, feeling fine. Then that time came. The "GOSH DANGIT! I hate being a woman" time. I felt awful. I decided I would leave. Came home. Barfed up my breakfast. Took two Midols and slept it off. Woke up and milled around for an hour or two. Then I went running. Say WHAT? Yes, from barfing to running. Impressive. Then dinner, then nothing for hours. That was my day.

Glad you read this post? I am not convinced this day was worth a post. But I will mention this again. I am bored.

Before I wrap this up I will give you a fact.

FACT: Chocolate Milk Protein Breakfast Shake is atrocious coming back up 3 hours later ( :

Love, Linds


Khinna said...

Did you play on "Polyvore?" This tends to be waste timer and myfitnesspal. I really should be blogging, but meh... I hope you get feeling better.

Kelsey Fairbanks said...

I am cracking up laughing right now! Sorry about your car, hopefully he can fix it and it wont cost a billion dollars.

The DeGiulio's said...

Very cute outfit. I don't think I'm.following you on pinterest. We always tease butterscotch our dog and tell her if she could drive a car it'd be a mini pooper (mini Cooper) not exactly sure where we got this nickname and its a sad one but we call her poppers instead of Butterscotch sometimes lol but since she's a dog I don't think she minds too much ;-)