Thursday, February 16, 2012

Photo Upchuck Thursday

{Mr. Man and I decorated and devoured some Valentine Cookies the other day. I think he enjoyed eating them more than decorating them. I however still have not taken a bite of the "love" and "XO" cookies yet. I might find them too adorable....also, it was a tedious job.}
 {I had a hankering for a chicken salad wrap. I bought me a rotisserie chicken. Heaven forbid I have to cook up a chicken breast. I tore that sucker apart and mixed it up with this delightful mix and some light mayo. I wrapped it in a wheat tortilla and it was so delightful.}
 {My Chi broke. It was devastating. I had to use my old Chi which is not as hot so it has taken me almost an hour to straighten my hair. Ridiculous! Instead of going out and spending another $100 on a new Chi, Anthony took it upon himself to fix my newer one. After a good 2 hours, you tube tutorials, some soldering and a $1.50 new Chi is back to normal! He only shocked himself once (: I am so impressed with his skills. "It is good to know a tiny bit about lots of things." Well Said Anthony, Well said.}

One more thing. (No photo included) I got the lovely opportunity to do an ultra sound today due to the fact that I was the only female in the office. Can I mention that it is really uncomfortable to do an ultra sound on a groin injury when you have never done one before.....also 5 minutes can go by very slowly if you have poor small talk skills. "So uh, how do you pull a groin anyway?"

I need a vacation......

1 comment:

KEK said...

I read "ultra sound" and thought, "Baby!" Then, I saw groin, and thought, "Dope!" Haha. I pulled a muscle in yoga two days ago. Yoga! Of all the classes, I do, I pull a muscle in yoga.