Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I would love a spoonful of sugar.

I am not a coffee drinker. I do have a wicked sweet tooth though. I am weak and I have a hard time passing Starbucks without getting a blended cream frappachino (aka no coffee). It has been extremely hard to go without in the last couple of days.

True Story: here I am sitting on the laptop watching American Idol and pushing stumble every so often scanning the world wide web searching for something to entertain me. You see, American Idol has been lame today, I need something else. All of a sudden picture pops up on the screen. The most beautiful picture I have seen in a long time. I stare at it. Emotion starts to rise in my chest. I put the laptop down and I crawl up the stairs and enter my room. There in my room, all alone, I cry. I cried for a good minute or two, chin quivering, nose running cry. I then realize that the reason I am crying is over this blasted ridiculous picture.

I would definitely call this a meltdown. A moment of weakness and defeat. I sheepishly strolled downstairs and came up with some excuse for my tears...."long day, I'm just tired".....trailing off. When in all reality I just cried over a cupcake.....I CRIED OVER A CUPCAKE! Who am I?

This is going to be hilarious in about 20 minutes...maybe less. For now its just pathetic. Are you licking the screen yet? It looks good right? That caramel drizzle...the moist cake...o gosh!


The DeGiulio's said...

Ok I dont blame you for crying over those cupcakes they look so good. And whenever I know I cant have something then I want it even more. Your not silly for having a meltdown over them. You are doing great though, keep it up.

Jill said...

They look awesome! I may have to make them soon. My brother recently bought some cookies for the book club he had & when its early in the morning..and not much to eat -- they are yelling at me to eat them. I've had a few -- and I rarely eat sweets like this. I need a job.

Alicia said...

American Idol was lame. I don't blame you for crying over those cupcakes when you know you can't have them. They look really good, but not good enough to me to be licking my screen.

Kelsey Fairbanks said...

hahahaha I'm so sorry for laughing, but it's just how you said "i cried over a cupcake" that got me! oh lindsey, it will be okay! and just fyi, I wouldn't tell anyone if you had just one... ;)

Katrina said...

I completely understand! I don't know why you're much hungry and cravier(!) when you want to lose weight! I have been trying to start a diet for the last couple of months, but I'm actually gaining weight because I put it off for another day so I can have just one (or 10) more indulgence. I hate dieting, but today will be the day I start, hopefully! Don't give in - you're doing way to well and you've put yourself through way too much to give in now!

Jan DeGiulio said...

I'm licking the screen! If you ever make those invite me over PLEASE!!!

Shanna said...

Those are the MOST amazing cupcakes I have ever seen! They are beautiful, I would like one for breakfast actually.